Συμμετοχή θεσμικών παραγόντων


Συμμετοχή διεθνών ηγετικών εταιρειών

Διεθνές βεληνεκές

Βέλτιστες πρακτικές από διεθνείς εμπειρίες

Διεθνές βεληνεκές

Βέλτιστες πρακτικές από διεθνείς εμπειρίες

Διεθνές βεληνεκές

Βέλτιστες πρακτικές από διεθνείς εμπειρίες


ECDM Expo 2023, Digital Marketing Conference

/ September, Saturday 23 & Sunday 24, 12:00 - 17:30 @ Stage A

The Conference of the year on Digital Marketing

/ Conference Topics

Conference Agenda

During the 2-day conference on Digital Marketing were presented the latest international trends and tools, in attracting online customers, as well as the global trends.

Also, strategies, case studies and success stories, on advertising platforms, social media, retail media, content marketing, influencer marketing and much more.

Conference fields of exploration

Web 3.0 & Metaverse

Social Media & Community Marketing

Marketplaces advertising

Artificial Intelligence

Omnichannel &

Cookieless Targeting era

Data, Content, Personalization

Virtual and Augmented

The future of Web Search

Some Speakers of the 2023 Conference

Kyriakos Kagialoglou

Kyriakos Kagialoglou

OTE group

Digital Marketing Manager

Ruben van Eijk


Head of Creative Shop CEE

Ruben van Eijk

Thymios Kostakis

Thymios Kostakis

Fais Group of Companies

Head of Digital Marketing

Diana Birba

The Coca-Cola Company

Brand Director Tea Europe

Diana Birba

Nikos Syrios